Project Showcase
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View summaries of Tauber team projects from recent years.
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Supply chain disruptions such as port strikes, natural disasters, and system outages are costly and cause a great deal of impact. These types of disruptions have been difficult to predict, leaving supply chains in a reactive operating mode with high latencies in response time. Dow wants to leverage real time monitoring, big-data analytics, and machine learning technology to increase the predictive and communicative power of their existing supply chain.
Student Team:
Peter Callahan–Master of Business Administration
Prerna Dean–Master of Supply Chain Management
Project Sponsors:
Tom Ammerman–Global Supply Chain Director, Dow Automotive Systems
Mitch King–Supply Chain Director, Global Logistics and Supply Chain Improvement
Jeffrey Tazelaar–Global Leader, Supply Chain Innovation
Faculty Advisors:
Yan Huang–Ross School of Business
Siqian Shen–College of Engineering