Project Showcase
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View summaries of Tauber team projects from recent years.
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The Tauber team was brought in to accomplish two distinct goals:
1) utilize the smart factory deployment for lean transformation at CribMaster’s Marietta site, and
2) help define the value proposition and commercialization approach to bring this solution to market.
The Tauber team worked closely with multiple groups within CribMaster to analyze processes and determine areas of greatest opportunity.
For the first goal, the Tauber team recommended that CribMaster implement a mixed model line, which will result in a 3% reduction in direct labor spend, a gain of $400K in working capital, and a lead time reduction of 50%.
For the second goal, the Tauber team recommended a focused approach for commercialization, initially geared towards maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) assets tracking within the aviation and naval industries.
Based on CribMaster’s pre-commercialization success, as well as the Tauber market evaluation, the Tauber team believes that this solution could ultimately deliver over $100M in annual revenue for CribMaster, which will significantly alter their growth trajectory, as well as deliver tens of millions of dollars in savings to their customers.
Student Team:
Tyler Carr – Master of Supply Chain Management
Kevin Gallagher – Master of Business Administration
David Sachs – EGP (Master of Engineering in Manufacturing)
Project Sponsors:
Larry James -– Director of Operations, CribMaster
Kelly Musselwhite – Vice President of Marketing and Strategy, CribMaster
Jon Safran –- President, CribMaster
Faculty Advisors:
Stefanus Jasin – Ross School of Business
W. Monroe Keyserling – College of Engineering