Optimizing Material Handling and Storage in Pfizer’s Clinical Supply Chain

With a rapidly expanding portfolio, Pfizer’s demand for GMM resources has grown significantly in recent years, and GMM has undertaken two expansion projects to triple its current storage capacity. They have engaged the 2022 Tauber team to conduct an end-to-end analysis of material handling and storage operations in Groton, implement process improvements and recommend an optimized material storage framework in preparation for this expansion.


Isabella Hartman – EGL (BSE Biomedical and MSE Industrial and Operations Engineering)

Katerina Siavelis – EGL (BSE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and MSE Industrial and Operations Engineering)


Laddie Grim – Director, Drug Product Supply Global Materials Management

Petra Romano Lieber – Drug Product Supply


Tom Buchmueller – Ross School of Business

Grant Kruger – College of Engineering