Project Showcase
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View summaries of Tauber team projects from recent years.
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The purpose of the project is to improve the laboratory supply operations that support Mayo Clinic patients at the Rochester, MN, Phoenix, AZ, and Jacksonville, FL facilities.
The Tauber team will identify process-oriented, systematic, or people-centric improvement opportunities and develop recommended action steps required to establish Mayo Clinic as “best in class.”
Ultimately, this project will result in operational efficiencies, which in turn should net customer satisfaction and financial gains for Mayo Clinic.
Student Team:
Andrew Johnston – Master of Business Administration
Amalia Siavelis – EGL (BSE Biomedical Engineering & MSE Industrial and Operations Engineering)
Project Sponsors:
Joe Dudas – Division Chair, Supply Chain
Bruce Gilmore – Director, Supply Chain Management
Kari Solak – Performance Consultant, Supply Chain Management
Faculty Advisors:
David Chesney – College of Engineering
Lisa Pawlik – Ross School of Business