Project Showcase
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View summaries of Tauber team projects from recent years.
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Amazon is seeking the best routing decision process for item placement within Amazon Robotics (AR) Fulfillment Centers (FCs). The Tauber Team’s focus is to create a data-driven and pilot-tested decision framework for processing inbound packages. The solution will intelligently route inbound packages by prioritizing products according to time criticality and storing them at optimal locations, allowing Amazon to deliver products at lower cost, with greater and more reliable speed, and with more efficient space utilization at FCs.
Mohit Mengale — Master of Engineering in ManLifacturing
Charles Su — MBA & MS Industrial and Operations Engineering
Ben Mullican — Senior Program Manager, Ops Integration
Saravana Sigamani — Principal Program Manager, 0ps Integration
Greg Zielinski — Director, NACF ACES Ops Integration
Hyun-Soo Ahn — Ross School of Business
Siqian Shen — College of Engineering