Project Showcase
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View summaries of Tauber team projects from recent years.
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As Boeing increases composite material use, the need to quickly and accurately certify materials from suppliers is critical to delivering high-performing aircraft on schedule and at competitive prices. The multi-year material insertion process costs tens of millions of dollars in capital investments and any delay increases cost. Boeing charged the Tauber team to document the current state of material insertions for structural fiber composites, identify recurring process issues and potential solutions, and provide recommendations to reduce the time and cost required fo future material insertions.
Student Team:
Alexander Lau – Master of Business Administration
Daniel Manore – Master of Business Administration
Spenser Pawlik – EGL (BSE/MSE in Mechanical Engineering)
Project Sponsors:
Jorge Aguiar – Manager, Supplier Management Regulated Material
Tia Benson Tolle – Manager, PD Materials
Hardik Dalal – Advanced Composite Materials, Product Development
Dylan Jones – Manager, Product Development
Heather McCullough – Manager, Raw Materials and Standards
Faculty Advisors:
Peter Washabaugh – College of Engineering
Ravi Anupindi – Ross School of Business