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Additive Manufacturing for Production Tooling

Whirlpool has invested heavily in implementing robotics projects throughout their manufacturing facilities; one of the more challenging aspects is the end-of-arm tool (EOAT), which is the physical interface between the robotic system and the application. Whirlpool is investigating a solution to this challenge by leveraging additive manufacturing for the production of quality EOATs that will be able to reliably grasp, place, and assemble products. The Tauber Team was tasked to evaluate current market offerings to define which are suitable for production, develop a business case highlighting potential impacts and tradeoffs, and create a decision framework for the design and implementation of additively manufactured end-of-arm tooling.

Read the Whirlpool article here > INNOVATION IN ACTION

View team project summary

Student Team:

Justin Lee — EGL (BSE Mechanical Engineering/MEng Systems Engineering and Design)

Michael London — MBA and Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability


Project Sponsors:

Michael Cukier — Principal Engineer, Global Advanced Manufacturing Engineering

Mae Zyjewski —Senior Director, Global Advanced Manufacturing Engineering


Faculty Advisors:

Stephen Leider — Ross School of Business

Dawn White — College of Engineering

Project Photos