SPOTLIGHT! 2021 Team Project Showcase and Scholarship Competition Awards Ceremony (28th)


Zoom Webinar

SPOTLIGHT! 2021 is a competitive presentation of solutions developed by Tauber student teams during their 14-week operations-based Team Projects.

The SPOTLIGHT! 2021 Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, November 12, 12 PM ET with the following acknowledgments and awards presented:

  • Project sponsor longevity awards

  • Faculty trailblazer award

  • Alumni Scholarship awards

  • Spotlight! team project awards (1st, 2nd, 3rd place)

Drawing extensive attention from industry, Spotlight! highlights innovative operations solutions that provide significant financial savings, as well as improvements in areas such as CO2 emissions, energy consumption, throughput time, and supply chain risk.

Spotlight! offers an excellent opportunity to establish relationships with students and corporate partners, expand your university presence, and gain exposure to new ideas in operations.

2021 Tauber Team Project Preview: