MSCM 2017
Lead Project Manager
Jack Bryce (MSCM '17) is Lead Project Manager for Honeywell in Phoenix, Arizona. A manufacturing and supply chain tech enthusiast, Jack says his greatest professional enjoyment comes from seeing processes improving and becoming more natural for the end consumer.
What drew you to the University of Michigan?
I came to the University of Michigan sight unseen because of the Tauber Institute for Global Operations. After starting an MBA program online I realized that I was missing a large part of the benefits I wanted to receive through my graduate education, in-person networking, and hands-on experience. After careful research, I discovered that the program offered in Michigan would afford me the opportunity to gain these benefits while not sacrificing time or quality. I was fortunate to participate in the last cohort of MSCM students that were included in Tauber.
In what ways did your Tauber experience shape the professional that you are now?
The opportunity to participate in a real project with real impacts on the sponsoring organizations allowed me to broaden my view of the world. Previous to my time in the program I worked for a large government contractor and generally associated with only US citizens and US organizations. As part of the program, I gained more global exposure. Not only did I work with fellow students from around the globe, but my team project gave me the opportunity to work in Mexico for a couple of weeks. Although I recognized the value of diversity before coming to the program the experiences I had there gave me firsthand knowledge of the increased performance that can come through working with a diverse team. I now actively seek out different perspectives and strive to ensure that everyone I work with feels included and valued by me and by the organization.
What’s the most important thing to remember in business?
To me, the most important thing to remember in business is that business is just an enabler. It’s just a part of life. It is not life. Life is learning, growing, experiencing, working, socializing, and playing. Business allows us to do these things and hopefully enriches life. Keep things in perspective and don’t give up what you want most for what you want today.
How did your Tauber experience shape the professional that you are now?
My Tauber experience helped me to push the boundaries of what I thought I was capable of. The program took my previous professional knowledge and strengthened it while also and adding new strengths. Experiences and thought patterns that I didn’t realize were valuable before the program are now an integral part of my personal value proposition.
What advice would you give to current or future Tauber students?
Take the opportunity to be uncomfortable. Use the Tauber Institute to your full advantage by attending as many sponsored things as you can. Go on more tours than required, network with everyone and every company, take time to get to know the professors and program staff, sacrifice now to put yourself out there and it will pay dividends in the future.
What would fellow alums be surprised to know about you?
I went back to school with a family of five, my third child was born just two months before my matriculation. The University of Michigan and Tauber were both supportive of me and my family. I never felt there was an undue burden placed on my family during my time at school, in fact, we look back on our time in Michigan with fondness and my children often ask, "when are we moving back to Michigan?!" I was fortunate that they were able to travel with me to Tennessee for the team project.
Go Blue!